Stay tuned on FORKFOCUS, We guide you close to frequently asked questions about electric forklift.  

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FAQs for electric forklift

To determine if your electric forklift can be used during rain or is safe to be used in water, you need to first check the “IP” rating, or Ingress Protection of your forklift.

 Forklifts with rating of IPX4 or higher is safe to be operated in water.


Based on the quality and age of the battery, forklift batteries are designed to last in full, non-stop eight-hour shift when charged at 100%. 

But it also depends on the work done by the truck. If it is for just minimal work with rests in between, it can stretch up to 12 hours. 

Older truck batteries can do continuous work for 3 hours, at best. 

An average forklift battery has a lifetime of 5 years or 1,500 cycles, assuming it is charged once a day or 300 days per year.

Also, you can read this artical regarding the comparison between lead acid battery and Li-ion battery. 

How much electricity does a forklift use?

An electric forklift uses 15,000 kWh per year, according to EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute), assuming the forklift has 5,000 lbs capacity and has a total of 2,000 operating hours per year.

How to charge an electric forklift?

The first thing you need to know is when should you charge your forklift battery? Charging your battery only at the right time and when it needs to can prolong the life of your battery.

Typically, the forklift battery should be charged when it is already below 30%, instead of doing a scheduled charging. Another thing to note is that over or undercharging your battery can affect its lifespan. 

For warranty purposes, batteries shouldn’t be charged more than 300 times per year.

 Next is the charging . Purchasing an electric forklift means you need to have a battery charger. The charging station must have a sufficient supply of electricity that matches the output voltage of your battery. The Ampere Hour rating must also be within 10% of the AH rating.


Other things that is important to do for a safe and efficient battery charging:


  1. Charger cables should be properly connected, without damage, and in good working condition.
  2. You need to maintain a watering log. This is usually checked for warranty claims.
  3. Maintain a full 8-hour charge to properly distribute the acid throughout the battery
  4. After the battery was charged and cooled down, add water.

Last is, for storage, keep the temperature to less than 113°F. Doing this practice can prolong the life of your battery. Every five charges, check the fluid level of your battery as it always needs to have the proper amount of water.


Electric Forklifts and Propane Forklifts have notable differences. To compare the two, we can look at the following factors:

        1. Cost

Electric Forklifts are more expensive than Propane Forklifts. Having an electric machine also means you’ll need a charger. But if you look at the expenses, owners can save more in the long run with an electric forklift. Overall, most operations can expect to recover their costs from an electric forklift after two years of usage.

  1. Maintenance

In terms of maintenance, electric forklifts are less maintained than propane because it has lesser moving parts. Less maintenance, less cost.

  1. Operational Flexibility

In terms of operational flexibility, the propane forklift has the advantage because it can be for indoors and outdoors. Electric Forklifts are not suited for outdoor and have certain specifications when used in a wet area. Electric forklifts do have an advantage in cold temperature over propane. It can be a struggle to start propane in colder places.

  1. Power & Runtime

In terms of downtime, an electric forklift has longer as it needs to charge for at least 8 hours whereas, with propane, it is easier and faster to change gas. Propane forklifts also have the advantage in terms of runtime. As long as the oil tank is full, it will run at full power. And when it runs out of gas, changing the tank is easy and fast. Propane forklifts, as compared with the electric ones, have more torque for worksites that have inclines and slopes, offering more productivity.

      5. Emissions

Electric Forklift does not produce any emissions as it runs on a battery, unlike forklifts that use gas/diesel. It is more environmentally friendly, and this is why electric forklifts are also well-suited for indoor use, especially in small, narrow spaces. Even though propane forklift is safe to use indoors, there are still possible risks of being exposed to emissions. There are facilities that have carbon dioxide monitor for areas that use propane forklifts to alert if there’s any build-up, and workers can vacate the premises if needed.



Electric Forklifts offer a bit of advantage in terms of safety only because propane gas has the tendency to leak as tanks can be punctured during forklift use. There should also be a designated place where propane tanks can be safely stored to avoid fire or explosion. 

It doesn’t mean that using an electric forklift poses no danger. The battery can cause an acid burn or injuries when installing or removing the battery. 

Damaged cords during charging can also cause electric shock. Either way, safety precaution is needed when using forklifts, and ensuring the safety of the workers and the facility is always a top priority.

Given all these factors, both forklift types offer advantages and disadvantages. 

It boils down to where you will use it, what materials/products it will handle and the purpose of the forklift in your worksite or facility.

Are electric forklifts safer than other types that run on diesel/gas?


Yes. Aside from the lack of CO2 emissions and other toxic fumes, it is also much quieter because it runs on a battery and not an engine. 

There are instances when workers can’t hear each other due to the noise that diesel forklifts produce while running which causes injury/accidents to the workers or goods.  

Can electric forklifts be used outside?

Yes, but before you decide to use your forklift outside, check the plate of your forklift first. The plate should contain the IP (Ingress Protection) rating and this will help you determine if your forklift can be used outside, or even in a wet area. 

To understand it better, the code should look like something like this– IP54. What does this mean? The first digit after the letters IP indicates the forklift’s protection from heavy objects, with 0 the least protection to 6 being the highest protection rating. 

The next digit is the water protection rating. 0 meaning the truck is not protected from water and cannot be in a wet area, and 8 being the highest, meaning the forklift can submerge in water up to 3 meters deep.

What does an electric forklift use as a counterweight?

For an electric forklift, manufacturers often fix the counterweight on the battery. 

It serves as the counterweight in the absence of the cast iron that is normally attached to the rear part of the diesel/gas forklifts.

Is an electric pallet jack considered as a powered industrial truck?

Yes. A powered industrial truck is amororized tool for carrying, pushing, lifting, stacking, or tiering materials. Pallet Jacks fall under this type because it’s used to lift and move materials/products, and is one of the most essential tools in the warehouse.

An electric pallet truck is a motorized tool designed to lift and move pallets around the warehouse. There is ride-on version or a pedestrian. It is an ideal tool for warehouses because it is for indoor use and can work ins mall and narrow spaces.

How much does an electric pallet truck weigh?

An average electric pallet truck weighs about 1,000 pounds (453 kg). It can lift around 6,000 pounds (2,7212,286 kg). Of course, it depends on the manufacturer but these are the average numbers.

Any questions regarding forklift, just feel free to contact us. Free consulation is always available in FORKFOCUS.

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